The Parish of Stifford
Our vision : To be and make disciples
News and Service Time
As of 1st January , Stifford Parish has joined with Grays North Parish .
Our new name is Grays North and Stifford.
Service times and events for Stifford will be published here for the time being.
Sunday 5th Morning worship St Cedds 10.30
Sunday 12th HC St Marys 10.30 (Gill and Rev Matt)
Sunday 19th Morning worship St Marys ( Brenda Anne and Paul)
Sunday 26 th HC St Cedds 10.30
Coffee and cake restarts 9th January 11-1pm in North Stifford villiage Hall
Welcome to The Parish of Stifford
We are one parish that includes the communities of North Stifford and Stifford Clays both following the message and life of Jesus Christ.
One Parish Two Churches
- St Mary's Church, High Road, North Stifford, Essex, RM16 5UE
- St Cedd's Church, Crammavill Street, Stifford Clays, Essex, RM16 2AP
The history of St Mary’s goes back to Norman times, whereas St Cedd’s only celebrated its 65th anniversary in 2020. We combine within our Parish the old and the new, the traditional and the modern.
Church Services
Join us in church! Find out when and where our next services are.
More about us
Learn more about who we are as a Parish and what our beliefs are.
Messy Church
Messy Church is a form of church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality.